بزرگمهر پارسه

بزرگمهر پارسه

Zurvanism: A Fascinating Chapter in Zoroastrianism's History

In the annals of religious history, few belief systems offer as intricate and compelling a narrative as Zoroastrianism. At the heart of this ancient faith lies a myriad of interpretations and doctrines, among which Zurvanism stands out as a particularly intriguing variant. This blog post delves into the essence of Zurvanism, exploring its origins, core tenets, and its impact on the broader Zoroastrian tradition.

The Origins of Zurvanism

Zurvanism, also known as Zurvanite Zoroastrianism, is a theological branch of Zoroastrianism that emerged during the Sassanian Empire (224-651 CE). It represents a distinct departure from the more orthodox Zoroastrian beliefs centered around the dualistic opposition of Ahura Mazda (the Wise Lord) and Angra Mainyu (the Destructive Spirit). Zurvanism posits Zurvan (Infinite Time) as the primordial deity, from whom both Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu originated.

This cosmological perspective likely evolved from earlier Zoroastrian doctrines that emphasized the role of time in the universe. The Sassanian era, marked by religious and cultural consolidation, provided fertile ground for such theological experimentation and the formalization of Zurvanism.

Core Tenets of Zurvanism

  1. Primacy of Zurvan: At the heart of Zurvanism is the belief in Zurvan as the singular, boundless source of all creation. Unlike traditional Zoroastrianism, which emphasizes the duality of good and evil, Zurvanism introduces a monistic element, with Zurvan as the ultimate origin.

  2. Duality Born of Unity: In Zurvanite cosmology, the dual forces of Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu are seen as twin sons of Zurvan. This duality is not eternal but temporal, originating from the same source and destined to coexist until the final resolution of time.

  3. Temporal Determinism: Zurvanism incorporates a strong element of determinism, suggesting that the cosmic struggle between good and evil is preordained by Zurvan. This deterministic view contrasts with the more orthodox Zoroastrian emphasis on human agency and moral choice.

  4. Finite Dualism: While traditional Zoroastrianism posits an eternal conflict between good and evil, Zurvanism envisions a finite period of struggle, culminating in the eventual triumph of Ahura Mazda. This end-time scenario underscores the temporality of the dualistic conflict.

Impact and Legacy

Zurvanism's rise to prominence during the Sassanian period had a significant impact on Zoroastrian theology and practice. It provided a philosophical framework that reconciled the apparent dualism of Zoroastrian cosmology with a monistic understanding of the universe. However, this synthesis was not without controversy. Orthodox Zoroastrians viewed Zurvanism as a heretical deviation from the teachings of Zoroaster, and it faced considerable opposition.

Despite this, Zurvanism's influence persisted, contributing to the rich tapestry of Zoroastrian thought. Its emphasis on time and cosmic order resonated with broader philosophical currents in the ancient world, including those in Hellenistic and Indian traditions.


Zurvanism represents a fascinating chapter in the history of Zoroastrianism, offering a unique perspective on the nature of divinity, time, and cosmic order. While it ultimately declined as a distinct theological system, its legacy endures in the broader context of Zoroastrian and comparative religious studies. By exploring the depths of Zurvanite thought, we gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and dynamism of ancient religious traditions, as well as the enduring quest to understand the mysteries of existence.

In a world where the passage of time and the struggle between opposing forces remain perennial concerns, Zurvanism's insights continue to offer valuable reflections on the human condition and the nature of the cosmos.

Exploring Islamic Patterns in Grasshopper Rhino

Islamic patterns are a breathtaking manifestation of mathematical artistry and cultural expression, characteristic of Islamic architecture and design. The fusion of these intricate designs with modern computational design tools, like Grasshopper Rhino, opens up innovative avenues for architects and designers. In this blog post, we'll delve into the integration of Islamic patterns within Grasshopper Rhino, illustrating the process, potential applications, and the profound beauty these patterns can bring to contemporary design projects.

Understanding Islamic Patterns

Islamic geometric patterns stem from a rich history of cultural and religious symbolism, developed over centuries in various regions of the Islamic world. These patterns are known for their complex, tessellated designs that are created using a compass and ruler. They often consist of repeating circles, squares, stars, and multi-sided polygons that are interlaced to form intricate motifs.

Grasshopper Rhino: A Tool for Modern Design

Grasshopper Rhino is an algorithmic modeling tool for Rhino3D that allows designers to create complex forms through visual programming. It has become an essential tool in computational design, enabling intricate manipulations of geometry with precision and efficiency. Grasshopper provides a platform where designers can experiment with patterns and shapes algorithmically, which is ideal for exploring the symmetrical and repetitive nature of Islamic patterns.

How to Implement Islamic Patterns in Grasshopper Rhino

  1. Start with Basic Geometry: Begin by defining the basic shapes that will form the basis of the pattern, such as circles and polygons. Grasshopper's environment allows for these shapes to be manipulated into complex arrays without manually drawing every line.

  2. Use of Scripts and Algorithms: Utilize existing scripts or develop your own algorithms to create the repetitive geometrical operations needed to build Islamic patterns. These might involve rotations, translations, and mirroring of the basic shapes to form the overall tessellation.

  3. Parameterization: One of the powerful features of Grasshopper is the ability to parameterize design elements. Adjust parameters such as the size, angle, and spacing of the patterns to explore variations and dynamically see the results.

  4. Simulation and Optimization: Use Grasshopper's simulation tools to visualize and optimize the designs. This is particularly useful for adapting the scale and form of the patterns to fit specific architectural elements or spaces.

  5. Integration with Architectural Models: Finally, integrate the created patterns into larger architectural models within Rhino. This can involve projecting the patterns onto surfaces, creating 3D relief patterns, or even developing them into structural elements of a building.

Applications in Modern Architecture

The applications of Islamic patterns in modern architecture are vast. They can be used in the design of facades, interior partitions, and ceilings to create visually engaging spaces that reflect light and shadow dramatically. Furthermore, these patterns can also be functional, serving as climatic screens that offer both privacy and ventilation, especially in warmer climates.


The integration of Islamic patterns into Grasshopper Rhino not only honors a traditional art form but also pushes the boundaries of what can be achieved in modern architectural design. This synergy between historical inspiration and contemporary technology offers endless possibilities for creating innovative, beautiful, and functional designs. As computational tools evolve, the potential for these patterns in modern applications will undoubtedly expand, continuing to inspire awe and wonder.

Embracing Self-Love

In a world bustling with demands and expectations, the concept of self-love is often overshadowed by the noise of daily responsibilities. Yet, embracing self-love is not just a trendy phrase—it's a foundational element for genuine happiness and well-being. Let's explore what it means to truly love yourself and how to incorporate this practice into your life.

Understanding Self-Love

Self-love is the act of valuing oneself, which encompasses self-acceptance, self-respect, and self-esteem. It means acknowledging your needs and allowing yourself the compassion and kindness that you often reserve for others. This isn't about narcissism or selfishness; rather, it’s about treating yourself with the same care and respect you would offer to someone you love deeply.

The Benefits of Self-Love

Embracing self-love has profound implications for your mental, emotional, and physical health. It can lead to:

  • Improved mental health: By reducing self-criticism, self-love buffers against the impacts of stress and anxiety.
  • Enhanced resilience: Self-compassion fosters resilience, helping you to bounce back from setbacks more effectively.
  • Better relationships: When you respect and value yourself, you set the standard for how others should treat you, often leading to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Practical Steps to Embrace Self-Love

  1. Start with Self-Reflection: Take time to understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. What are your needs and desires? Understanding yourself is the first step towards self-love.

  2. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no when necessary. Setting clear boundaries with others is a profound act of self-respect and is crucial for your mental and emotional well-being.

  3. Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that nurture your body, mind, and soul. Whether it's reading a book, taking a long walk, or meditating, find what helps you recharge and make it a regular part of your life.

  4. Forgive Yourself: Everyone makes mistakes. Instead of harboring guilt or regret, learn to forgive yourself. This is a key step in healing and moving forward.

  5. Celebrate Your Successes: Big or small, achievements are a cause for celebration. Acknowledging your successes reinforces self-esteem and nurtures a positive self-image.

  6. Seek Support When Needed: Embracing self-love doesn't mean you have to do everything alone. Seeking help from friends, family, or professionals when needed is an act of strength, not weakness.

The Journey Is Yours

Remember, embracing self-love is a personal journey that looks different for everyone. It's not about perfection; it's about progress. It requires patience, persistence, and most importantly, practice. As you begin to treat yourself with more love and respect, you'll notice a shift not only in how you feel about yourself but also in how you interact with the world around you.

Embracing self-love is perhaps the most beautiful journey you can undertake. It's a path to inner peace, a healthier mindset, and ultimately, a more fulfilling life. Start this journey today, and watch how your world changes, one act of self-love at a time.

رشته کوه‌های اصلی ایران

ایران، کشوری وسیع با تنوع زمین‌شناختی و جغرافیایی فراوان، در دل خود رشته کوه‌های باشکوه و تأثیرگذاری را جای داده است که نه تنها بر منظر طبیعی آن حکمرانی می‌کنند، بلکه بر سبک زندگی، فرهنگ، و اقتصاد مردمانش نیز اثرگذار هستند. در نقشه جغرافیایی ایران، این رشته کوه‌ها به وضوح قابل مشاهده‌اند و نقش مهمی در شکل‌گیری اقلیم‌های مختلف در این کشور دارند.

رشته کوه البرز

البرز، که از نواحی شمال غربی تا شمال شرقی ایران کشیده شده، مرز طبیعی بین دریای خزر و فلات مرکزی ایران را تشکیل می‌دهد. این رشته کوه نه تنها به خاطر ارتفاعات بلندش، بلکه به دلیل تأثیرش بر اقلیم منطقه شناخته شده است. قله دماوند که بلندترین قله ایران و خاورمیانه است، در این رشته کوه قرار دارد و با ارتفاع ۵۶۱۰ متر، نمادی از افتخار ملی به شمار می‌رود. البرز مکانی است برای تنوع زیستی فراوان و دارای جنگل‌های انبوه و متراکمی است که در مناطق پایین‌دست خود میزبان تعداد زیادی از گونه‌های گیاهی و جانوری مختلف است.

رشته کوه زاگرس

زاگرس، که از شمال غربی تا جنوب شرقی ایران امتداد یافته، دیگر رشته کوه عظیم و مهم ایران است. این رشته کوه، که بخش عمده‌ای از غرب و جنوب غربی کشور را دربرمی‌گیرد، برای داشتن منابع طبیعی نظیر نفت و گاز بسیار مهم است. زاگرس به دلیل داشتن جنگل‌ها و مراتع وسیع، محلی مناسب برای دامداری و کشاورزی است. این رشته کوه همچنین به خاطر غنی بودن از تنوع گیاهی و جانوری معروف است و می‌توان گفت که یکی از مهم‌ترین عوامل شکل‌گیری تمدن‌های کهن در این ناحیه بوده است.

رشته کوه تخت سلیمان

رشته کوه تخت سلیمان، که در شمال شرقی ایران واقع شده، به دلیل داشتن مناظر طبیعی خیره‌کننده و اهمیت تاریخی و فرهنگی فراوان، مورد توجه قرار دارد. این منطقه که شامل چشمه‌های آب گرم و معدنی است، نقش مهمی در تاریخ ایران داشته و به عنوان مکانی برای پرستش و زیارت در دوران باستان شناخته می‌شده است.

رشته کوه هزار مسجد

رشته کوه هزار مسجد که در شمال شرقی کشور قرار گرفته، به دلیل وجود تپه‌ها و کوه‌پایه‌های پوشیده از جنگل، منطقه‌ای مهم برای حفاظت از حیات وحش و گونه‌های مختلف گیاهی است. این منطقه به عنوان یکی از زیباترین و دست‌نخورده‌ترین نقاط جغرافیایی ایران شناخته شده و برای پژوهشگران طبیعت و علاقه‌مندان به کوه‌نوردی جذاب است.


رشته کوه‌های ایران نه تنها به خاطر زیبایی‌های طبیعی‌شان شهره هستند، بلکه به دلیل تأثیرات عمیقی که بر جغرافیا، اقلیم، فرهنگ و اقتصاد ایران دارند، از اهمیت ویژه‌ای برخوردارند. این کوه‌ها، که در نقشه جغرافیایی ایران به وضوح نمایان هستند، از جمله میراث‌های طبیعی این کشور محسوب می‌شوند که نقش مهمی در شکل‌گیری و توسعه تاریخی و مدرن ایران داشته‌اند.

Paving the Way to Success: The Art of Path Creation in Innovative Entrepreneurship


In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, the ability to carve one's path is a defining characteristic of successful business leaders. This process, often referred to as "Path Creation," is integral to the ethos of innovative entrepreneurship. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of path creation and how it plays a vital role in shaping the trajectory of visionary entrepreneurs.

Defining Path Creation:

Path creation involves the deliberate act of breaking away from conventional norms and forging a unique, uncharted course. Instead of following established paths, entrepreneurs who embrace path creation actively seek to create new opportunities and paradigms. It is about envisioning possibilities beyond the existing boundaries and having the courage to explore unexplored territories.

The Essence of Innovative Entrepreneurship:

  1. Thinking Beyond Boundaries: Innovative entrepreneurship is synonymous with thinking beyond the traditional boundaries of business. Entrepreneurs who engage in path creation are not content with the status quo; they challenge existing norms and explore untapped markets, envisioning opportunities that others may overlook.

  2. Embracing Risk and Uncertainty: Path creation is not for the faint of heart. It involves navigating uncharted waters, embracing risk, and thriving in uncertainty. Innovative entrepreneurs understand that the journey to success often involves stepping into the unknown, and they view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

  3. Creating Market Niches: Instead of entering crowded markets, entrepreneurs practicing path creation identify and create their niches. This involves understanding unique customer needs, anticipating future trends, and offering products or services that fill gaps in the market. By doing so, they not only differentiate themselves but also become trendsetters.

  4. Building a Culture of Innovation: Path creation is not confined to products or services; it extends to organizational culture. Successful entrepreneurs foster a culture of innovation within their teams, encouraging employees to think creatively, challenge assumptions, and contribute ideas that can shape the company's path forward.

How Path Creation Fuels Innovative Entrepreneurship:

  1. Disruption as a Catalyst: Path creation often leads to disruptive innovations. By challenging established norms, entrepreneurs create opportunities for revolutionary changes in industries. This disruption can give rise to groundbreaking products, services, and business models that redefine market dynamics.

  2. Adaptability in a Dynamic Environment: The entrepreneurial journey is rife with unforeseen challenges. Entrepreneurs who engage in path creation develop a mindset of adaptability, enabling them to pivot and adjust their strategies in response to changing market conditions. This adaptability is a key driver of long-term success.

  3. Inspiring Others to Follow: Path creation has a ripple effect, inspiring others to break free from conventional thinking. Innovative entrepreneurs become trailblazers, setting a precedent for others to follow suit. This not only fosters a culture of innovation within industries but also contributes to the overall advancement of business ecosystems.


In the realm of innovative entrepreneurship, path creation is the compass that guides visionaries towards unexplored frontiers. It is about embracing uncertainty, challenging norms, and creating opportunities where none existed before. Aspiring entrepreneurs should recognize the power of path creation as a transformative force that not only shapes their ventures but also influences the broader landscape of business and innovation. By boldly forging new paths, entrepreneurs become the architects of their success and the architects of a future where innovation knows no bounds.

Exploring the Innovative World of Aggregation Tensile Structures in Grasshopper

In the realm of architectural design, innovation knows no bounds. The convergence of technology and creativity has given rise to novel concepts, and one such cutting-edge marvel is the Aggregation Tensile Structure. Powered by computational design tools like Grasshopper, this architectural approach redefines the relationship between form, function, and aesthetics.

Aggregation Tensile Structures are a groundbreaking concept that draws inspiration from natural processes, such as cell growth and aggregation patterns. These structures are characterized by their intricate network of interconnected components, resembling a woven fabric of architectural elements. Unlike traditional rigid structures, aggregation tensile structures derive their strength and stability from tension forces, allowing for strikingly unique and fluid forms that challenge conventional design norms.

At the heart of bringing these awe-inspiring structures to life lies Grasshopper, a visual programming language and environment within Rhinoceros 3D. Grasshopper empowers architects, engineers, and designers to create, manipulate, and optimize complex geometries with remarkable precision and efficiency. Its algorithmic approach aligns perfectly with the intricate calculations required for designing aggregation tensile structures.

The process begins by defining the base geometry and the underlying parameters within Grasshopper. By leveraging parametric modeling, designers can experiment with a myriad of variables, such as component size, connection points, and tension distribution. The software then utilizes computational algorithms to simulate the behavior of the structure under different conditions, ensuring its structural integrity and performance.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Aggregation Tensile Structures is their adaptability to various contexts. Whether envisioning large-scale pavilions, futuristic building facades, or avant-garde installations, these structures can be tailored to meet specific design objectives while harmonizing with their surroundings.

As technology continues to evolve, the boundaries of architectural innovation expand exponentially. Aggregation Tensile Structures represent a fusion of nature-inspired design, computational prowess, and engineering excellence. With Grasshopper as the driving force, architects can delve into the realm of limitless possibilities, shaping the skylines of the future with structures that captivate the eye and challenge the mind.

In conclusion, Aggregation Tensile Structures exemplify the power of computational design tools like Grasshopper to transform architectural visions into reality. This revolutionary approach marries the elegance of natural forms with the precision of digital design, pushing the boundaries of what's achievable in architecture. As we gaze toward a horizon where buildings become living art, aggregation tensile structures stand at the forefront of this exciting architectural evolution.

Navigating the SEO Seas: Understanding How Google's Algorithm Changes Affect External Link Evaluation

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, staying abreast of Google's algorithm changes is crucial for maintaining and enhancing a website's visibility. One such algorithm that has been a cornerstone of Google's ranking system is PageRank. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into how changes in Google's algorithms, especially updates to PageRank, impact the way external links are evaluated for SEO purposes.

Understanding the PageRank Algorithm

Before we dive into the impact of algorithm changes, let's first grasp the fundamentals of the PageRank algorithm. Developed by Google's co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, PageRank was introduced as a way to measure the importance of webpages based on the quantity and quality of links pointing to them.

1. Original PageRank Model

In its original form, PageRank worked on the principle that a link from one page to another was akin to a vote of confidence. Not all votes were equal, though; the importance of a vote depended on the PageRank of the linking page. The higher the PageRank of the linking page, the more valuable the vote.

2. Evolving Beyond Quantity to Quality

Over time, Google has refined its approach. While the quantity of links remains a factor, the emphasis has shifted towards the quality and relevance of links. Google aims to reward pages that are not only linked to widely but also linked to by authoritative and contextually relevant sources.

Impact of Algorithm Changes on External Link Evaluation

As Google continues to refine its algorithms, particularly PageRank, the way external links are evaluated for SEO purposes undergoes significant changes. Let's explore these impacts in detail.

1. Emphasis on Content Relevance

Recent updates to the PageRank algorithm have placed a greater emphasis on content relevance. Links from pages that are thematically aligned with the linked-to content now carry more weight. This shift reflects Google's commitment to delivering highly relevant results to users.

2. Contextual Signals from Linking Pages

Algorithm changes have led to a deeper analysis of contextual signals from linking pages. It's not just about the link itself; Google assesses the overall content, context, and user experience of the linking page to determine the relevance and authority it contributes to the linked content.

3. Diversity in Link Profiles

While quantity still matters, the emphasis has shifted towards a diverse and natural link profile. Websites with an assortment of high-quality links from various authoritative sources within their industry are now favored. This diversity ensures a well-rounded and comprehensive link portfolio.

4. Importance of Trustworthiness and Authority

Trustworthiness and authority have become paramount in link evaluation. Google's algorithms now weigh links from trusted, authoritative sources more heavily. Links from government sites, educational institutions, and established industry authorities are considered highly valuable.

5. User Experience Signals

Algorithm updates have integrated user experience signals into the evaluation of external links. This includes factors such as bounce rate, time on page, and overall engagement. Links that contribute to a positive user experience are rewarded, while those leading to irrelevant or low-quality content may be penalized.

6. Social Signals and Brand Authority

The integration of social signals and brand authority into link evaluation is a notable shift. Google recognizes the impact of social media shares and brand mentions as indicators of a page's popularity and relevance. Strong brand signals can enhance the authority of external links.

Strategies to Navigate Algorithm Changes in External Linking SEO

Given the evolving nature of Google's algorithms, SEO practitioners must adapt their strategies to navigate these changes effectively. Here are strategies to ensure your external link building remains resilient in the face of algorithmic updates:

1. Focus on Content Quality and Relevance

Place a premium on creating high-quality, relevant content that naturally attracts links. Content should address user intent, provide value, and align with the thematic focus of your website.

2. Build Relationships with Niche Authorities

Strategic relationship-building with authoritative figures and websites within your industry pays dividends. Links from respected sources carry more weight, signaling to Google that your content is a valuable resource within its niche.

3. Implement Contextual Linking Strategies

Instead of pursuing links for the sake of quantity, prioritize contextual linking. Seek opportunities to naturally integrate links within the content where they enhance the user's understanding and experience.

4. Monitor and Adapt to Algorithm Updates

Stay informed about algorithm updates and adjust your strategy accordingly. Regularly monitor industry publications, Google announcements, and SEO forums to stay ahead of changes that may impact link evaluation.

5. Diversify Your Link Portfolio

Aim for a diverse link portfolio that includes a mix of dofollow and nofollow links from various authoritative sources. This diversity not only aligns with Google's preferences but also mitigates risks associated with relying on a single source or type of link.

6. Leverage Social Media and Branding

Integrate social media into your link-building strategy. Actively promote your content on social platforms, engage with your audience, and cultivate a strong brand presence. Social signals contribute to the overall authority of your content.

7. Regularly Audit Your Link Profile

Conduct regular link audits to identify and address any potentially harmful or irrelevant links. Tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and SEMrush can provide insights into the health of your link profile.

8. Prioritize User Experience

Ensure that your website provides a positive user experience. Pages linked to should load quickly, offer valuable content, and encourage user engagement. Positive user signals contribute to the perceived authority of your content.

9. Stay Ethical in Your Practices

Adhere to ethical and white-hat SEO practices. Avoid engaging in manipulative tactics, such as buying links or participating in link schemes, as these can lead to penalties and long-term damage to your website's reputation.

10. Continuously Adapt and Learn

SEO is a dynamic field, and adaptability is key to success. Stay curious, continuously learn about changes in the SEO landscape, and be willing to adjust your strategies based on evolving best practices.

Conclusion: Navigating the Seas of SEO Evolution

As Google's algorithms continue to evolve, so too must our approach to external link building. The days of relying solely on the quantity of links are behind us. Today, it's about the quality, relevance, and context of those links.

By understanding the impact of algorithm changes on external link evaluation and implementing strategic, user-focused, and ethical practices, SEO practitioners can navigate the seas of SEO evolution with confidence. In a landscape where change is constant, adaptability and a commitment to delivering value to users will remain the guiding principles for sustainable SEO success.

Elevate Your Unity Game: The Top 5 Unity Asset Free Picks

Hey game developers and digital dreamweavers! ???? Ready to take your Unity project to the next level without burning a hole in your pocket? Look no further! Today, we're diving into the Unity Asset Free world again, but this time, let's pick out some shining stars that can add that extra oomph to your game.

1. Fantasy Environment Pack:

Ever dreamed of creating a mystical fantasy world for your game? Well, dreams do come true with the Fantasy Environment Pack. This Unity Asset Free gem comes loaded with enchanting landscapes, magical flora, and ethereal lighting effects. Transform your game into a realm of wonder and adventure with just a few clicks.

2. Unity Particle Pack:

Spice up your game's visuals with the Unity Particle Pack. From vibrant explosions to mesmerizing particle effects, this asset pack is a game-changer (pun intended). Whether you're working on a space odyssey or a fantasy epic, these particles will add that wow factor, making your game visually stunning.

3. Standard Assets (Characters):

Need some cool characters to populate your game world? Look no further than Unity's own Standard Assets – Characters package. With a variety of ready-to-use character controllers, animations, and models, you can populate your game with diverse and dynamic characters without spending a dime.

4. Post Processing Stack:

Want to give your game a professional, polished look? The Post Processing Stack is here to save the day. This Unity Asset Free package allows you to add effects like bloom, depth of field, and color grading, giving your game that cinematic feel. It's like having your own post-production studio right in Unity.

5. Cinemachine:

Lights, camera, action! Cinemachine is a Unity Asset Free marvel that empowers you with robust camera systems. Create dynamic and cinematic camera sequences with ease. Whether you're aiming for a classic RPG feel or an action-packed thriller, Cinemachine will be your director's chair.

Tips for Maximizing Unity Asset Free:

  • Stay Updated: Unity Asset Free offerings change and grow over time. Make it a habit to check the Asset Store regularly for new additions.

  • Explore Community Forums: Connect with fellow developers to discover hidden gems and get tips on how to use assets effectively. The Unity community is a goldmine of knowledge and support.

  • Give Credit: If you're using assets created by others, it's always a good practice to check the licensing agreements and give credit where it's due. It's a win-win for everyone.

So, there you have it – five Unity Asset Free treasures waiting to be unearthed. Dive in, experiment, and let your creativity run wild. With these assets in your arsenal, your Unity game is bound for greatness. Happy developing! ????

Overview of HECKTOR

Head and neck cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide (fifth leading incidence). Radiotherapy and cetuximab are considered the standard treatment. However, locoregional defects are a significant challenge in improving and controlling the condition and occur in forty percent of the patients within the first two years of the treatment.

Recently, several radiomic studies have been proposed to better identify patients in a non-invasive manner by using available images such as those obtained for diagnosis and planning treatment. These studies are based on positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) imaging.

HECKTOR was created in 2020 to provide an opportunity to compare automated algorithms dedicated to tumor segmentation in FDG PET/CT multidimensional images.

The HECKTOR Challenge is an excellent opportunity for professionals working on three-dimensional segmentation algorithms to present GTV tumor segmentation approaches in PET/CT scans, focusing on oral and pharyngeal cancers.

The 1st edition of the HECKTOR challenge was performed using a data set of 254 patients from 5 centers and attracted about 20 people to participate. In 2021, Hector’s challenge was repeated with a larger data set (325 patients from 6 centers) with the addition of a second task. The 2nd edition of the HECKTOR challenge was successfully held with twice the number of participants, 40 for the first task and 30 participants for the second task.

Following the success of the first two HECKTOR Challenges in 2020 and 2021, this challenge will again be held at the 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Intervention (MICCAI) 2022.

This challenge version also includes fully automatic lymph node diagnosis and segmentation in addition to the primary tumor. The data set is expected to have more than a thousand patients collected from 9 different centers.

چه زماني بهتر است از نيترات كلسيم براي گياهان استفاده كرد؟

قبل از هر كاري، بهتر از ان را روي خاك تست كنيد زيرا نيترات كلسيم بيش از اندازه هم مي‌تواند باعث بروز مشكلات مختلفي شود.

براي جلوگيري از فساد ميوه‌ها، مي‌توانيد قبل از كاشتن، يك لايه از ان را روي خاك بپاشيد.

بعد از رشد گياهان و قبل از ميوه دادن، دوباره از آن استفاده كنيد. در اين زمان بهتر است از محلول رقيق‌تر ان استفاده كنيد. اين كار باعث مي‌شود كه سلول‌هاي گياهان در برابر فساد و ايجاد مشكلاتي چون گند زدن شكوفه جلوگيري كند.

بسياري از باغچه‌بان‌ها گياهاني كه به ميزان كلسيم حساس هستند را بيشتر از گياهان ديگر در معرض نيترات كلسيم قرار مي‌دهند. بعد از رشد هم بسته به نياز، مي‌توانيد يك يا دوبار ديگر هم از ان استفاده كنيد.

به طور كلي، بايد ميزان متعادل براي هر گياه را پيدا كنيد.

گياهاني مانند سيب، گوجه و فلفل از جمله گياهاني هستند كه نيترات كلسيم مي‌تواند به رشد آن‌ها كمك كند.

نسبت نيترات كلسيم

نيترات كلسيم و آب را با چه نسبتي تركيب كنيم؟

به ازاي هر ليتر، بهتر است فقط يك قاشق غذاخوري نيترات كلسيم استفاده كنيد و تا زماني كه به طور كامل حل شود، آن را هم بزنيد.

بهترين شكل استفاده از نيترات كلسيم، به شكل اسپري است زيرا سريع‌تر جذب گياه شده و از بروز مشكلات جلوگيري مي‌كند.

در تركيب با سولفات منيزيم مي‌تواند كمبود منيزيم را هم رفع كند. براي اين كار بايد اين دو محلول را با نسبت ۱.۵ تا ۲ كيلوگرم به ۹۵ ليتر تركيب كرد.

به عنوان مكمل، از ۱.۶ كيلوگرم در هر ۳۰.۵ متر استفاده كنيد. كود را با خاك مخلوط كنيد، مراقب باشيد كه محلول را به شاخ و برگ نپاشيد.

منطقه‌اي مي خواهيد كلسيم نيترات به ان اضافه كنيد را به خوبي آبياري كرده تا مواد مغذي شروع به نفوذ به خاك كنند و به ريشه گياه برسند.

براي يك محلول پاشي براي رفع كمبود كلسيم و افزودن نيتروژن، ۱ فنجان نيترات كلسيم را به ۹۴.۵ ليتر اضافه كنيد. زماني كه آفتاب كم است و گياهان به اندازه كافي آبياري شده‌اند، محلول را روي خاك اسپري كنيد.